he EAN code (European Article Numbering) is a unique code for your meter consisting of 18 figures which indicates a supply point for electricity or natural gas. You will therefore have a separate EAN code for your electricity and gas meter, which is linked to a specific address.

All EAN codes for energy supply points in Brussels begin with 5414489.

Find your EAN code online

Provide your address and meter number to find your EAN code.

This search is only valid for meters in the Brussels region.


step2Meter numbers

How else can you find your EAN-code?

On your energy bill

Your current EAN code is given on your energy bill.

Moving house?
If so, you can ask the previous occupants or the managing agent of the building for the EAN code of your new home. It should be on their old energy bills.

Contact our Customer Service

Call us at 02 549 41 00. To find your EAN code as quickly as possible, we need the following details:

  • the address at which the meter is located
  • the meter number
  • the name of the previous occupants.

Contact us

The EAN code is not the same as the meter number: the EAN code identifies a supply point, whereas the meter number identifies an appliance, i.e. the meter.

If you have to have your meter replaced, there will be a new meter number on your appliance, but your EAN code remains unchanged.

Nor is it a customer number. You receive a customer number from your energy supplier. If you change supplier, you will receive a new customer number. The EAN code stays the same.