Anyone who wants to generate their own electricity must have their installation certified by Sibelga. This attestation gives you permission to connect your installation to the distribution network and is required for entitlement to green certificates.

Please note: Due to a large number of requests, the delivery time for the Sibelga certificate can be up to 2 months. We apologize for the inconvenience.

The EAN code of your smart meter

We need to know the EAN code of your meter. This code always starts with 5414489 (more info).
Your meter must be a smart meter to be eligible. If you don't have one yet, you can request one here.

Mandatory technical documents

We require at least the following documents, which you must download:

  • Certificate of conformity issued by an inspection body (more info)
  • Inverter data sheet

Do you have a production facility over 30 kVA? You must also provide us with the wiring diagram for the decoupling relay.