There are various ways of obtaining protected client status:

1. On your own initiative

You can submit an application to be granted 'protected client' status directly to Sibelga on your own initiative. However, you must fulfil two conditions:

2. Via the OCMW/CPAS (social welfare centre)

If you have receive a notice of default from your energy supplier, you can be recognised as a protected client on the basis of a survey conducted by the OCMW/CPAS. The OCMW/CPAS will inform Sibelga, the social supplier.

3. After a decision from Brugel

If your income is lower than a pre-determined maximum amount (income that takes account of the composition of the family) and if you have received a notice of defaulft from your energy supplier, then once a dossier has been submitted to Brugel, you can be recognised as a ‘protected client'.


Send your application

Download the appication form

Please send the form and the necessary documentary evidences to:

  • Sibelga - Service Clients Protéges
    quai des Usines 16
    1000 Bruxelles

Sibelga will undertake, as a supplier of last resort, the necessary steps to provide you in energy.