

Outage solved

he power outage is solved

Repair time extended

Unfortunately we need more time to solve the outage. Probable new end time is 12h00.

Repair time extended

Unfortunately we need more time to solve the outage. Probable new end time is 10h00.

Repair time extended

Unfortunately we need more time to solve the outage. Probable new end time is 08h00.

Outage solved in following streets:

40% of the customers have power again
rue Pierre Alderson, rue Carli, rue Jan-Frans De Craen, rue Picardie, rue Stroobants, rue du Tilleul, rue Henri Van Hamme, rue Frans Verdonck, rue Walkiers, chemin du Gastendelle, rue de l'Agriculture, rue de la Bruyère, rue du Corbeau, rue Guido Gezelle, chaussée de Helmet, avenue Huart Hamoir, rue Gustave Huberti, rue Grégoire Leroy, rue Charles Meert, square François Riga, rue Fernand Séverin, rue du Tilleul, rue Richard Vandevelde, rue Marguerite Van de Wiele, rue Van Droogenbroeck, rue Charles Van Lerberghe, rue Walckiers, chemin de Tibout

Repair time extended

Unfortunately we need more time to solve the outage. Probable new end time is 06h00.

Outage solved in following streets:

32% of the customers have power again
rue Pierre Alderson, rue Carli, rue Jan-Frans De Craen, rue Picardie, rue Stroobants, rue du Tilleul, rue Henri Van Hamme, rue Frans Verdonck, rue Walkiers, chemin du Gastendelle, rue de l'Agriculture, rue de la Bruyère, rue du Corbeau, rue Guido Gezelle, chaussée de Helmet, avenue Huart Hamoir, rue Gustave Huberti, rue Grégoire Leroy, rue Charles Meert, square François Riga, rue Fernand Séverin, rue du Tilleul, rue Richard Vandevelde, rue Marguerite Van de Wiele, rue Van Droogenbroeck, rue Charles Van Lerberghe, rue Walckiers, chemin de Tibout

Outage solved in following streets:

16% of the customers have power again
rue de la Bruyère, chaussée de Helmet, avenue Huart Hamoir, rue Gustave Huberti, rue Grégoire Leroy, square François Riga, rue Fernand Séverin, rue Richard Vandevelde, rue Van Droogenbroeck

Power outage identified

Outage discovered by Sibelga at 02h39
Probable end time: 04h09.