In addition to its mandate as manager of the (municipal) electricity, gas and public lighting networks, as an integral part of the local fabric, Sibelga also has an active role to play.
Access to energy for all
Electricity and gas are basic necessities. It is essential for Sibelga to ensure that all Brussels residents have access to it, without discrimination, and regardless of their financial situation.
Our actions

Helping you through the health crisis
Following the COVID-19 crisis, protected customer status was extended to people who defaulted on payments to their commercial supplier due to loss of income. The winter truce, a period during which energy supplies cannot be cut off, has also been extended.
During the lockdowns, our teams were still mobilised to carry out essential tasks so that all Brussels residents would continue to have access to gas and electricity with the same level of quality and safety.
Providing energy to low-income households
Protected customer status was created by the Brussels-Capital Region. It allows consumers who are no longer able to pay their commercial energy supplier to temporarily get their energy at a social rate from Sibelga.
More than 7000 low-income households are supported by Sibelga

Listening to your needs
We provide a public service and meet a basic need. It is therefore essential for us to listen to the people of Brussels and their needs, to answer their questions and to reassure them in all circumstances.
Our actions
Ensuring dialogue with businesses affected by work sites
Since 2020, a dedicated person is assigned to act as site mediator. Their task? Ensuring the effective flow of information between Sibelga, contractors, the municipality and public access businesses and buildings.
A welcome desk to assist Brussels residents
Located on Boulevard Émile Jacqmain, the Sibelga welcome desk assists people with linguistic or administrative difficulties in all their requests relating to Sibelga's services.
38 people are supported on average each day by our welcome desk
Serving the community
Whenever possible, Sibelga is there to support the Brussels non-profit sector. This may involve making premises available, providing logistical support through the donation of equipment or participating in field actions.
Our actions
Provision of premises to associations
For many years, Sibelga has provided its backing to Convivial, one of the welcome desks for newcomers to Brussels. This aid takes the form of the free use of a building complex belonging to Sibelga.
Access to housing in Brussels
Sibelga has a historic property portfolio. In 2020, after renovations, the management of some 20 energy-efficient dwellings was entrusted to a social estate agency. Sibelga is thus doing its bit to facilitate access to housing in Brussels.
Participation in humanitarian missions
Sibelga participates in Energy Assistance, a non-profit organisation created by volunteers from the energy sector. Their mission? Connecting people with little or no access to energy. This can entail installing solar panels or connecting isolated communities to the grid.

During a mission in Guinea, we brought electricity to two health centres, two schools and a clinic by equipping them with solar panels. The electrification of these buildings makes it possible, for example, to store vaccines in refrigerators or to organise evening classes for the local population.
Our employees are also doing their bit
From time to time, Sibelga's employees volunteer to lend a hand to Brussels-based associations, give blood at Red Cross blood drives or collect funds for a good cause (during the Brussels 20 km, for example).
As part of the Thermos campaign, Sibelga volunteers prepare and distribute meals to the most needy. In 2019, 140 meals were served in the Botanique metro station under the supervision of the company's own chef.