This page gives you more information about the different kind of meters and how to read them.
Gas meter
A gas meter reading consists of a maximum of eight figures in front of the comma and three figures after it.
If your meter reading begins with zeros, you do not need to note these.
- First check that the last four figures of your meter number correspond to the number indicated on your letter.
- Note your meter reading. The figures after the comma do not have to be noted.

Electricity: single hourly rate or night-only rate
Both types of meters have one meter reading.
If your meter reading begins with zeros, you do not need to note these.
- First check that the last four figures of your meter number correspond to the number indicated on your letter.
- Note your meter reading. The figures after the comma do not have to be noted.

Electricity: Dual hourly rate
A dual-rate meter (day / night) has two meter readings.
The meter reading consists maximum seven figures in front of the comma and one figure after it.
- First check that the last four figures of your meter number correspond to the number indicated on your letter.
- Note your meter reading. The figures after the comma do not have to be noted.
Notice the difference between a day meter reading (sun) and a night meter reading (moon)

Electricity: smart meter
A lot of information is directly visible on the LCD screen of the meter.
- First check that the last 4 figures of your meter number correspond to the number indicated on your letter.
- For meter readings, the relevant codes are:
- 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 (peak/off-peak consumption)
- 2.8.1 and 2.8.2 (peak/off-peak injection).