Your gas bill is made up of a number of components. Part of your bill goes to cover Sibelga's distribution costs. We ensure that electricity and gas reach you every day via a network of thousands of kilometres of cables and pipes.

The energy cost (64 % of the bill)
This is the price that the energy supplier charges. This price can, of course, vary depending on the energy supplier and depending on the formula that you choose.Your energy supplier is the one with whom you have concluded a contract, and from whom you receive your energy bill.
The distribution cost (22 % of the bill)
The distribution cost included in your bill covers not only the actual distribution cost, but also other costs that the distribution system operator has to collect and pass on to the relevant parties.
1. Distribution system operator’s tasks (17,3 % of the bill)
- Management, maintenance and development of the entire electricity network
- Management of all electricity meters
- Management of consumption data
- Management of the operation of the market (customer exchanges, supplier exchanges, etc.)
2. Regional public service obligations (3,3% of the bill)
By order of the regional authorities, the distribution system operator also has to provide specific public services:
- Management of the street lighting on municipal roads. In Brussels, this means being responsible for over 89,000 street lamps and carrying out around 8,900 repairs every year.
- Protection of weaker consumers
This is done by supplying energy to those with ‘protected customer’ status. - Taking responsibility for the power supply at markets and festivals.
3. Municipal fees (1,8 % of the bill)
The distribution cost also includes certain taxes and levies that the distribution system operator has to pass on to various government bodies.
- Regional contribution
The regional contribution is used to fund the energy grants, the management of the green power certificates and the functioning of the Brussels energy regulator, Brugel. - Fee for occupation of the public domain
The distribution system operator pays a fee to the municipalities to be able to use the public highway for its electricity cables.
Transmission cost (3 % of the bill)
The transmission cost covers the cost of the infrastructure need to carry the energy from the generating station or from the border to the Brussels distribution network.
This cost is passed on in full by the distribution system operator to the transmission system operator, Elia. (For more information, see: How is the energy market organised?)
Depending on the energy supplier, this may be indicated separately on your bill or included in the cost.
Taxes and federal contribution (9% of the bill)
This cost includes the VAT (6%) and other federal contributions.