In buildings with more than three dwellings, installing individual charging points directly on apartment meters can cause the power available for the building to be exceeded. This can damage the connection and the power supply to all apartments in the building.

In fact, the electrical power required for a building can vary depending on peak periods, equipment being used simultaneously, the seasons, and so on. This is known as the principle of abundance. Assuming that each resident of the building can install a charging point on their apartment meter, and that the meter is powerful enough, there is a significant risk of exceeding the building's total capacity if multiple vehicles are charged at the same time. This can cause issues for the building's connection and generate significant costs for all co-owners.

This is why charging electric vehicles directly behind individual meters is prohibited. If you want to install charging points in a building with more than three dwellings, three parking spaces or three separate garages, you'll need to ask your building manager or co-owners' association to assess the needs of all residents. Find out more about our recommendations on this topic here.