Sibelga has around 440 utility vehicles for its technicians’ work in Brussels. More than half of them already run on alternative fuels or electricity!
In the Sibelga car park, there are more and more utility vehicles running on alternative fuels. “Over 50% of our fleet is made up of green vehicles today,” confirms Grégory Navet, Mobility, Fleet & Tools Manager.
More than 30% of our company vehicles are already 100% electric.
- Almost 50 new electric utility vehicles were delivered in 2023.
- In 2024, roughly 20 small electric vehicles were delivered for our meter readers and site supervisors, plus 24 ID. Buzzes for our technicians.
24 ID. Buzz will soon join Sibelga's fleet.
Sibelga ahead of its regional targets
With the new electric utility vehicles arriving on the market, all the vehicles for which there is a sustainable alternative will be replaced before the dates imposed by the Brussels-Capital Region.
And it doesn't stop there! “We have also put measures in place for company vehicles. Executives who are entitled to these vehicles must now choose from electric vehicles only and/or have access to a federal mobility budget,” adds Grégory.

Sibelga has around 20 Ford e-Transit vans for its technicians.
Inspiring success
This progress is the fruit of an active policy to reduce the emissions of our fleet. Thanks to this development, Sibelga is gradually reducing the pollution generated by the journeys necessary for its business. Furthermore, it is demonstrating to all the public authorities that it’s possible to achieve the targets set at regional level to improve air quality, for the benefit of all Brussels residents.
Sibelga also contributes to the deployment of electric mobility in Brussels. The Brussels Government has essentially entrusted us with the ambitious mission to roll out a vast network of public charging points in Brussels by 2035 as part of the ChargyClick programme. At the end of 2023, the Region already had one charging station every 150 metres.

A pioneer of soft mobility
Sibelga is also making a fleet of cargo bikes available to its technicians, a fleet that is set to grow even more in 2024.
A practical way of easily moving around the city while avoiding traffic jams and parking issues.
We've also launched shared bikes in collaboration with Hooba. These bikes provide a healthy and sustainable way to get around the city.
By choosing to use these bikes, our employees are making a contribution to reducing their carbon footprint while improving their health.
A blue-sky laboratory
Sibelga is also exploring as many possibilities as it can in terms of electric mobility. "There are already over 80 charging points of various brands installed on our site," explains Gregory. "There will soon be more added to this, in line with the development of our fleet."
These installations enable us to test different charging solutions and innovative systems such as the centralised management of several points. "We are also paying very close attention to the development of hydrogen solutions," Grégory points out.
The Sibelga site is therefore a real blue-sky laboratory for future mobility!