Once a year, one of our meter readers will visit your home. But do you know how to recognise a Sibelga meter reader? And who to contact if you are in doubt?
It is important to know how to recognise our meter readers. Indeed, as you have no doubt heard, there are people with bad intentions posing as meter readers. Be sure to check that meter readers are genuine before letting them in.
How can you recognise a Sibelga meter reader?
- They always have a personal identification badge. If they do not present it spontaneously, ask them to show it to you.
- They wear a uniform with the Sibelga logo. The uniform is dark grey trousers, a taupe polo or shirt with orange accents.
- They never asks for payment/money. The visit is free of charge.
- They never collect money for unpaid or current bills. Billing is the responsibility of your energy supplier, not Sibelga.
- They have a meter reading device.
- They can give you your EAN number and/or meter number.
- If they are in a car, the vehicle bears Sibelga's colours

If you have doubts about a meter reader, contact us
Do you have any doubts about a person presenting himself/herself as a Sibelga meter reader?
Contact our Customer Service department on 02 549 41 00.
Our customer service department will tell you whether the name given by this person is on our list of meter readers.
What should you do in the case of a fake meter reader?
For your safety, follow our recommendations:
- Before opening your door to a stranger, ask to see an official badge. It can be shown to you through the window, the videophone or through your door, opened ajar and blocked by a security chain.
- Speak loudly to attract the attention of passers-by and neighbours. This may scare the suspect away.
- If you doubt that he/she is genuine, do not let the visitor in.
- Never give money to your visitor, even if he/she asks for it. A real gas or electricity meter reader cannot ask you for money.
- Look closely at the fake meter reader. Try to photograph him/her. Or note down his/her vehicle number plate. This information will be useful to the police.
- If in doubt, call our customer service department on 02 549 41 00.
- Do you think you have been dealing with a fake meter reader? Notify the police. This is to prevent the person from continuing the fraud. The telephone number for the police is 101. You can also call the telephone number for your police district.