Since September 2015, Sibelga's meter laboratory has been accredited by BELAC (ISO/IEC 17025) for all its calibration (543-CAL) and testing (543-TEST) activities of electricity and gas meters on the calibration benches.

The main task of Sibelga's laboratory is to guarantee the accuracy of measurement of new and existing gas and electricity meters on the Brussels network.
This BELAC ISO/CEI 17025 accreditation :
- reinforces Sibelga's role as a meter manager
- provides Sibelga's laboratory with additional scientific recognition and, by the same token, even more credibility with suppliers, DSOs and customers.
- assures the laboratory's internal and external customers that everything is done to guarantee the quality of the results and the deadlines for completion in line with their expectations, in complete impartiality and confidentiality.
Our laboratory has developed and maintains a quality management system whose aim is to continuously improve the efficiency of its services in accordance with the requirements of the ISO/IEC 17025 standard.

More about BELAC?
BELAC is the only Belgian accreditation body. It is under the responsibility of the SPF Economy, SMEs, Self-employed and Energy.
Contact us!
If you would like to know more about our calibration services, please contact us. Our staff at the Sibelga laboratory will be happy to answer your questions.