Attention: since the beginning of 2022 Sibelga no longer places power limiters

Access to power is considered to be an essential condition to guarantee human dignity. This is why the customer is provided with a minimum power supply by means of a power limiter.

The power limiter restricts the actual capacity to 2,300 watts.

Depending on your family situation, the CPAS/OCMW can ask Sibelga to connect a higher electrical capacity, with a limit of 4,600 watts.

Here are some of the electrical appliances that you can use with a capacity of 2,300 watts

Television 110 watts
Computer 200 watts
Refrigerator 250 watts
Hairdryer 600 watts
Coffee machine 850 watts
Dishwasher 1200 watts
Microwave 1200 watts
Vacuum cleaner 1220 watts
Electrical oven 2000 watts

Always be careful with appliances that have a capacity of over 1,000 watts. If they are used together with other appliances, this could overload your connection.