What are the series of numbers that appear on my meter, do all the indexes have to be read?

The smart meter measures multiple indexes. For billing, the only 4 indexes to provide us are: 

  • 1.8.1: daytime consumption in kWh
  • 1.8.2: night-time consumption in kWh
  • 2.8.1: daytime injection in kWh
  • 2.8.2: night injection in kWh

For prosumers, the indexes of the last 2 records vary. For other clients, they do not change since there is no injection. When you read your meter, you will always have to inform us of these 4 indexes, even if you are billed at a single rate. In this case, the day and night consumption will be added together, and billed at a single rate. 

Other records exist, but are not useful for your energy bill.